On February 10, 2020, the Maintenance Craft and Postal Service signed off on the implementation of Arbitrator Goldberg’s Award on POstplan Custodial Staffing in (APO/RMPO) Installations in case number Q10T-4Q-C 15206030. The outstanding issue in implementing the Award was the process of returning custodial cleaning in POStPlan Installations to the Maintenance Division.
In the settlement, the parties agreed to the following:
- Determining whether a contract cleaning service can be utilized in an Administrative Post Office (APO) and its associated Remotely Managed Post Offices (RMPOs) within a POStPlan Installation will be based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Re: Subcontracting Cleaning Services;
- Custodial duties that are currently performed by contractors and other non-Maintenance Craft employees will be assigned to custodial employees within 180 days;
- Cleaning contracts that include a penalty for cancelling the contract will be reviewed at the national level regarding cancellation;
- Current custodial employees who are within a POStPlan Installation will not be involuntarily reassigned to a different office within the POStPlan Installation or have their duty assignment reposted to change their principal assignment area from one office to another;
- The Postal Service may require that future custodial duty assignments require the use of a privately-owned vehicle (POV) to travel between offices in a POStPlan Installation. The Postal Service reserves the right to provide postal vehicles and/or transportation at its option. This exception is limited only to PostPlan Installation and Maintenance Craft.
Click here to view the full settlement.
Summary of PostPlan Custodial Staffing Award
The June 2017 Award held that:
“As the Union points out, the POStPlan office structure is almost identical to the main post office – station/branch structure described in Article 38.2.B. Simply switch the names from APO to main post office and from RMPO to station or branch, and the management and operational structure of the POStPlan and non-POStPlan offices are exactly the same…
- “Whether an APO-RMPO cluster constitutes an installation for custodial staffing purposes is a question is to be resolved under Article 38.2.B of the National Agreement.
- “A POStPlan cluster of an APO and associated RMPOs is an installation as that term is used in Article 38.2.B.”
If you have any question, please contact us at Maintstaffing@apwu.org.
First Name: Idowu
Last Name: Balogun
Email: ibalogun@apwu.org
Union/Local: American Postal Workers Union, Washington DC
Office held if any: National Maintenance Director