Postal Service hiring holiday workers in Kentuckiana District

usps_logo_blue_hiring_jobs_2September 4, 2014
The U.S.Postal Service is accepting applications for holiday seasonal positions at a handful of mail processing facilities in the Kentuckiana District.

Open positions will include support workers and processing clerks.

Approximately 155 temporary holiday positions will be available in Louisville, 45 in Lexington, 50 in Evansville and 10 in Paducah for the period of Nov. 14 through Jan. 8. The hourly wages range from $12 to $15.63 with varying shifts and days off.

Those interested may apply at, click on “Search Now,” select “Kentucky” or “Indiana,” click “Start,” then click on the link for the appropriate job.

The position postings will close on Monday, Sept.14.

A general overview of USPS employment requirements is available at An explanation of specific job requirements and hourly pay can be found on the individual job postings.

Those interested in employment with the Postal Service should log on to weekly to check for new postings.

Source: Postal Service hiring holiday workers

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