Postal Retirement Q&A September 2014

Roseanne is a retired USPS employee with an extensive background in USPS retirement, disability retirement, OWCP, EEO, Labor Relations and HR. She conducts individual and group counseling and is able to comprehensively discuss the pros and cons of employees who are on OWCP, disability retirement and regular retirement.

Roseanne is a retired USPS employee with an extensive background in USPS retirement, disability retirement, OWCP, EEO, Labor Relations and HR. She conducts individual and group counseling and is able to comprehensively discuss the pros and cons of employees who are on OWCP, disability retirement and regular retirement.

“Much of the beginning conversations we cover, are as a result of the emails I get. I try to communicate information that you all want to know, but maybe sometimes don’t know how to ask (which is generally the case..or you don’t know the “lingo”). Many times I will say form 50 and and I will get a “duh” reaction, or I say ok, how about “Notification of Personnel Action”….if I get a “duh” there too….YOU are in trouble! Because EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU OUT THERE NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!! The SF Form 50…IS named “Notification of Personnel Action”, they are one in the same. But you need to know WHAT that is. Its the form that is sent to you each time their is a change in money, like raises, Cola, Step’s. I even say, you know the one that has like a zillion boxes on it!! That is a form you should BE familiar with. It is a complex form, but it has EVERYTHING (pretty much) about you on that form.

NEXT UP – Health care, first quit bitchin’!! We have the best health care out there, we really do, I am amazed at the lack of understanding of this FEHB plan. Let me share a summary of a few emails, not many, but a few that have a misguided impression that when their health premiums go up in retirement, it’s due to ObamaCare. First, its the Affordable Care Act, second, when every single (non-PCES) employee retires from the postal service their health benefits have gone up to what every other CURRENT FEDERAL EMPLOYEE PAYS, which has been how it’s been…..since probably before any of us ever worked at the post office. It has NOTHING to do with any new health laws, retiree’s health care premiums have always been more than when they were an employee…Period.”

Read more: Postal Retirement Q&A September 2014 by Roseanne Jefferson – PostalMag.

One thought on “Postal Retirement Q&A September 2014

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Roanoke, VA
    Office held, if any
    I am a clerk (veteran too) and have 6 1/2 years until retirement. I have had work-related surgeries on each shoulder; 3 bulging discs in neck: 3 in lower back – all accepted by OWCP. I was on limited duty for 6 years. I have been back in automation for 15 months and my shoulder and neck are causing not only pain, but limiting the way in which I work. Long story short, my ortho doctor says the repetitive motion ans lifting is the culprit. He is considering limited duty once he sees the MRI he ordered but waiting on OWCP to approve it. Anyway, they are consolidating my plant early next year. What happens if I am on limited duty and cannot accept another job elsewhere because of restrictions due to work injuries? Thank you.

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