2 thoughts on “Hopeful about MDAT grievances

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Local 7042
    Office held, if any
    Steward, past
    At the Seattle NDC in Federal Way, WA we were notified that as of October 27th all of our clerk bids were abolished. We were required to all bid new duty assignments. We were notified that we would be placed into the new bids on December 23rd. Early this week we were told that we will not go into our new bids, but that we are all being placed into all of the previously abolished bids. How can this be contractual?

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Our Local has been kicking some ass using MDAT to win staffing grievances. Of course, management’s response is to be non-compliant in Posting the jobs back up.

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