Walt Disney World SWAN AND DOLPHIN RESORT – site of 2016 APWU National Convention
After a lot of consideration and based on what the retirees recommended I am submitting three recommendations for your review and comments (scroll down for resolution format). I think the changes negate the concerns the convention delegates had at the 2014 National Convention. This does not change any of the details related to retirees in the National APWU, AFL-CIO Constitution.
Retirees are a viable part of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO. The APWU Conventions have assisted retiree to make our National American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO constitution more represented for retirees as well as show retirees the dignity and respect.
We have made baby steps and continue to be a very vital part of this union. When there is a need to help the union retirees are right there.
Three changes need to be made and I sincerely hope all union delegates to the 2016 national APWU Convention in Orlando, Florida will support these three changes.
The changes are:
1. Compensate the Retiree Department Director in the same manner as the division directors. Their salary is one hundred twenty-six thousand, twenty-nine dollars and seventy-eight cents ($126,029.78) per annum, plus necessary expenses.
The change would be to Article 8 Section 11 and the change would read:
SEC. 11. RETIREES DEPARTMENT. The Retirees Department Director shall be responsible for directing the objectives of the department; legislative and political activity; administering retirement educational programs; organizing new members of the Retirees Department and Local and State Retiree Chapters; service the needs of retired members and their survivors and such other duties as assigned by the President. The Retiree Director’s salary shall be one hundred twenty-six thousand, twenty-nine dollars and seventy-eight cents ($126,029.78) per annum, plus necessary expenses.
2. The Retiree Department Director should be on the National APWU, AFL-CIO Executive Board.
The change would be to Article 13 Section 1 first paragraph and the change would read:
SEC. 1. The National Executive Board of the APWU shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Industrial Relations Director, Clerk Division Director, Motor Vehicle Service Division Director, Maintenance Division Director, Support Services Division Director, Retiree Department Director, and the five (5) Regional Coordinators.
*This would also put the Retiree Department Director on the Board of Directors for the Health Plan.
3. Allow retiree delegates to the State and National Convention to be delegates and have the right to speak on the convention floor.
The change would be to Article 20 Section 3 and the change would read:
SEC. 3. Locals, area locals, state and regional organizations shall give consideration to the election of division and retiree delegates to all state and national conventions.
Thank you and the All Craft Conference was a great success.
Via Bobby Donelson, President
Retiree Chapter
Southwest Coastal Area Local
2045 S. June Place
Anaheim, CA 92802-4015
E Mail: bobbydonelsonvp@sbcglobal.net
NARFE Chapter 1266 Member
Orange County Labor Federation Delegate
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Chapter President
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
Currently Retiree Chapter President
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter, Elected Delegate to the APWU Convention
Office held, if any
Local President 1974-1994, APWU DIR 1980-1983, President Retiree Chapter
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Cleveland, Ohio
Office held, if any