3 thoughts on “APWU Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell – One of a Kind

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Tampa Area Local and APWU of Florida
    Office held, if any
    Director of Both
    Email Address

    I agree that Liz has always been upfront and willing to help all. Never does she turn her back on a Union member or her commitment to her position and her team. Go get them Liz, we have your back down here.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Utica NY Local
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Liz Powell has earned the accolades she has received. Runs a pretty tight ship in Washington. Straight shooter. Has done New York proud. Keep going Liz. Best wishes for many more years.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Greensboro NDC Local # 7035
    Office held, if any
    Current Clerk Craft Director, Former President of the Central Jersey Area Local # 149
    Email Address

    And to add that she is (in my opinion), the most respected National Officer that I have dealt with (or seen) since I have been active since 1997. EVERYONE LOVES LIZ!!!

    When I became Local President, Liz invited me to her office in NYC while she was still Regional Coordinator. She introduced me to her staff and we had a good conversation in regards to my future, goals, and my family. I will never forget the time that she took out of her day to share her experiences.

    Liz doesn’t get involved in any political nonsense because she is “no nonsense” person!!

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