NPMHU: Postal Service Reneges on SPSS Craft Determination

The Postal Service’s new Small Parcel Sorting System

The Postal Service’s new Small Parcel Sorting System

Unprecedented Reversal to Be Met With Fierce Opposition From NPMHU

On August 7, 2015, the USPS notified the NPMHU of their decision to reverse the craft determination for operation of the Small Parcel Sorting System (SPSS).

For comparison, you may access a copy of the original and properly implemented jurisdictional craft determination dated June 1, 2015 at this link. (pdf)

President Hogrogian has notified all Local Union Presidents of this development. The text of the Union’s August 8, 2015 notification to the field is captioned below.

Source: Postal Service Reneges on SPSS Craft Determination – National Postal Mail Handlers Union

2 thoughts on “NPMHU: Postal Service Reneges on SPSS Craft Determination

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Phoenix Metro

    …and I’m guessing the DC knew that when they made the decision. However, as only the EAS crowd can do, why not get a little conflict going between the unions and their alliance before we reverse the decision.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Trenton

    The original decision was the mistake. The same process that is used on the SPBS is the same as on the SPSS. It’s a clerks job. Period

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