NPMHU: 2020 Convention Update

As discussed during the recent SAMLU meeting, our preparations for the 2020 Convention are continuing with an eye on the obvious uncertainties given rise by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. We are continuing to plan and prepare knowing that it is very possible that the 2020 Convention may be postponed. This is the nature of our circumstances. The health and wellbeing of our members, delegates and guests is our paramount consideration. It is hard today to know the state of this pandemic in August, but we have every reason to doubt that things will have returned to anything close to normal.

We are working with the hotel to identify alternative options such as a delayed convention, a shortened program, alternative cities, and even a virtual convention. All options will be considered by the National Executive Board and a decision will be made on how to proceed. It is too early to make this decision. We are all impacted by the methodology of each city and state’s pandemic management policies.

We will provide updated information to all delegates when known. We recently initiated the first mailing to all delegates soliciting room arrangement details, guest information, shirt size, food allergy, badge, and credentials information. A housing package was also sent to Local Presidents. Please do not contact the hotel to make convention reservations. This will be handled through the National Office. Finally, I would recommend that all delegates delay making flight reservations until we can provide more details about the agenda and program of NPMHU 2020 Convention.

May 11, 2020 Memorandum to Local Presidents

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Source: National Postal Mail Handlers Union

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