2 thoughts on “Out of Schedule Pay grievance for a 30 hour, 6 day a week, NTFT Flexible Relief

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau MO Area Local #4088
    Office held, if any
    Chief Steward, Health Plan Rep
    There are such things as NTFT Flex positions. The position should be posted with a set schedule, but that can be changed week to week, following the Wednesday prior rule to make changes. That’s the “Flex” part. Allows mgmt to cover vacations, etc. JCIM 2012, Appendix B has a Q&A on NTFT positions.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Office held, if any
    Chief Steward
    Not an expert on NTFT (Pronounced NitFit), but I don’t believe there is such a thing as a NTFTF. I thought an NTFT position still had a set schedule. If they need THAT kind of flexibility, they either need more PTFs or more PSEs, but most likely Management is just being SUPER F’ING CHEAP again and not posting enough FTR Duty Assignments.
    Now, if they happen to build the Duty Assignment to cover for FTR Assignments’ days off, if the office is big enough, I could understand that, but I don’t have a lot of faith that that is the issue, nor in Management’s ability to conceive of a legal version of it.

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