5 thoughts on “New Contract question: Regulars can’t bid on PTF positions?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Office held, if any
    Portage Ohio 43451
    What about these nifty positions now in a 6 hour office? I’m a RC and my office is going to be up for bid in December when the old post masters two years are up and I would love to go back to the office I was dueled in for 15 years

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Hartford Local #0147
    Thank you for the help.

    Going to search for the email address and/or phone number for Mr. Burelson.

    A FTR is being prevented from going to a PTF position


  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Washington State
    Office held, if any
    I gave you the answer. The MOU does in fact bypass FTRs. It is an oversight and being fixed. FTRs should not be bypassed or overlooked. If it happened, intervene and get ahold of Clint Burelson.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Hartford Local #0147

    Allow me to clarify….

    This is an eReassign situation.

    Full time regular wants PTF position in a smaller office.

    Allegedly, new contract prohibits a regular from doing eReassign to PTF.

    This is what I need clarification on.

    Fully understand all the downsides to becoming a PTF. Some people just want the part-time job.

    The ultimate question here is whether the contract allows this?

    Would very much like to get a definitive answer.

    Thank You

  5. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Washington State APWU
    Office held, if any
    There is no such thing as bidding on a PTF position to begin with. The pecking order for filling PTF positions does ignore accepting FTRS from eReassign.

    That was an oversight and it is both parties position at the national level that FTRs should not be bypassed on eReassign.

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