National Postal Worker Day on July 1st recognizes postal workers all across the nation. The day encourages us to show our appreciation. Thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail. These employees suffer some of the harshest working conditions, yet continue to persevere six days a week.Across the United States, postal workers walk an average of 4 to 8 miles carrying a full load of letters and packages. Delivering them promptly to each of our doorsteps. There are approximately 490,000 postal workers across the United States. Regardless of the weather, postal workers deliver to businesses and homes all week long. When the temperatures fluctuate from extreme heat and cold, if it rains, in sleet and blizzards, too, the mail gets delivered.
Besides severe weather, they have also dealt with unusual packages. In 1913, the postal service started delivering packages up to a maximum of 11 pounds. The most surprising package to arrive for delivery was a small child. Barely under the weight limit, James Beagle was mailed. He was mailed at a cost of 15 cents to his grandmother just a few miles away. This practice continued for just over a year. Then the postmaster general was able to put regulations in place prohibiting it.
Take time to thank your local postal worker. Encourage others to get the word out and to focus on making every postal worker’s day just a little bit better. Post on social media using #NationalPostalWorkerDay to encourage others to join in.
A Seattle-area postal carrier established National Postal Worker Day in 1997 to honor fellow employees.
Source: National Day Calendar