One thought on “APWU National Convention Retiree Representation

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - MI State Retiree Chapter & Flint MI Area Local Retiree Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Email Address

    Paul J. Browning…a retired member’s voice of reason if only active Sisters & Brothers will just stop and listen! The tired old mantra that; “Retirees run the NALC, that’s not gonna happen in APWU”, never did hold water. Yes, some of us remained active in the Union we helped build through our own department, pounded the Staples pavement and answered the call to arms on a myriad of Union objectives, including legislation! And YES! Retirees who actually care stay committed to the APWU until the bitter end.

    It’s interesting that APWU has about 160,000 more or less full dues-paying active members. Latest membership numbers show 41,700+ Retirees’ Dept. members. The leadership has no qualms of boasting over 200,000 members when it’s convenient to toot their horn. But, is quick to short-shrift retirees on internal matters. It’s demeaning to have had delegates stand in opposition to greater Retiree Involvement citing retirees shouldn’t be permitted to speak on contractual or matters other than retiree issues, an insult to our integrity. That being the case; then active full dues-paying delegates shouldn’t be permitted to vote on retiree issues. That’s unworkable, you say. Well, no kidding! Listen to yourselves! As Bro. Browning outlined; when I as former Central Region Retiree Delegate (’96-’98 & ’12-14 Nat’l, Conventions), if a particular issue came to the floor that I was unfamiliar with; I consulted with my State and Local leadership. I refrained from voting when I believed I should have no part in the outcome. That’s “integrity” which shouldn’t even be called into question.

    And, Oh yeah, by the way; Retirees contribute more per capita to COPA than the well-paid, full dues-paying active membership! But, why should we care?! Read Paul Browning’s voice of reason post again! Heck, I’m 82 and absolutely have no desire to “run the APWU”. NEVER did! I DO, however, fully expect APWU retired members are treated with dignity & respect and as any member protected under the APWU Members Bill of Rights. Even THAT has been called into question!

    Solidarity Forever!

    “We are not the enemy!”

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