NAPUS: Part Time Postmasters Pay Changes, Conversion Option 

napusThe following information concerning changes in pay for part time Postmasters, and their option to convert to a clerk position, was received from Labor Relations at Postal Headquarters.

Effective October 01, 2016, saved hourly pay for Part-Time Postmasters will expire and hourly rates will be reduced to the current maximum hourly rate of $19.39. Part-Time Postmasters with a current salary of $19.39 per hour or below will retain their hourly rate. Part-Time Postmasters with conditional DUO salary protection will continue to receive salary protection.

Postmasters in Remotely Managed Post Offices (RMPO) will be offered the opportunity to convert to a full-time clerk duty assignment within the office. The assignment may be a Traditional or Non-Traditional Full-Time (NTFT) duty assignment and determined by the Postal Service.

Postmasters who elect to convert to a full-time clerk duty assignment and have performed prior service in an equivalent bargaining unit grade will have hourly salaries established by placing the employees in the step determined as if service had been continuous in the equivalent bargaining unit grade.

Postmasters who elect to convert to a full-time clerk duty assignment and have not performed prior service in an equivalent bargaining unit will have salaries established in accordance with the following two categories:

  • If an employee’s enter on duty (EOD) date is prior to May 23, 2011(PS Schedule 2), the employee will be placed in PS 6, Step A with an hourly rate of $21.06
  • If an employee’s enter on duty (EOD) date is May 23, 2011 or after (PS Schedule 3), the employee will be placed in PS 6, Step FF with an hourly rate of $18.39.


Source: NAPUS

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