(June 26, 2019) The leaders of the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service formally opened negotiations for a new collective-bargaining agreement today. In his opening statement, NALC President Fredric Rolando told Postmaster General Megan Brennan that, “As always, we will seek to preserve and improve the standard of living for city letter carriers. We aim to move forward, not backward. There will be no concessions offered or given. But we will work diligently and professionally to find common ground and mutual progress.”
“We are committed to work with you in good faith and to do whatever it takes to achieve a mutually beneficial contract,” he said. “But we are equally committed to fight for such a contract in interest arbitration, if necessary.”
President Rolando’s full statement is available here.
The present collective-bargaining agreement is set to expire at midnight on Sept. 20. More information on the opening session and future updates on bargaining will be in the NALC Bulletin, The Postal Record, on the NALC Member App and NALC’s social media accounts.
Source: National Association of Letter Carriers AFL-CIO