As reported in
Letter Carriers, USPS work on funding retiree health care.
Representatives from the Letter Carriers union and the U.S. Postal Service have agreed on a proposal to fund health care for workers and retirees, National Association of Letter Carriers President Fredric Rolando says, and it would end a big red ink drain on USPS.
The proposal would eliminate the $5 billion yearly drain for future retiree health care payments, instead having all future USPS retirees sign up for all parts of Medicare once they’re 65, rather than keeping them in a USPS-funded system.
Solving the problem is important for USPS workers plus customers because, at the behest of President George W. Bush, the GOP-run Congress in 2006 imposed an annual USPS pre-payment of future retirees’ health care benefits. That sent the USPS spiraling into debt. Former Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe responded by slashing services, slowing the mail, closing Post Offices and sorting centers, scheming to fire 100,000 full-time unionized postal workers — replacing many with minimum-wage part-time Staples workers — and letting another 100,000 go by attrition.
“This is a good first step towards positive postal reform that recognizes the needs of the employees and the employer,’ Rolando said, “but we’ll need to tread carefully as we progress further.”
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Indianapolis Local 130
Office held, if any
Former OWCP Director
One other bad thing that this seems to be missing is that the insurance will be separated from the FEHB insurance.Postal Employees and retirees only. So the cost in general is likely to increase, if for no other reason than a much smaller pool of people and a likely average increase in age of employees. Added to that, a mandatory enrollment in Part B Medicare which is the doctor visits portion and you get limited to doctors that accept it, which many will not and a also a limitation to the USA . If you thought of travel to Canada or anywhere else outside the US you would have no coverage. It stinks and everyone should write their congress-person and voice against it!
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89
Office held, if any
Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / Retiree Activist Member
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
NPMHU - Local 301, Branch 18
Office held, if any
Branch President 1987 to 1992; Assistant to National Presidents Billy Quinn and John Hegarty 1992 to 2014
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
NPMHU - Local 301, Branch 18
Office held, if any
Branch President 1987 to 1992; Assistant to National Presidents Billy Quinn and John Hegarty 1992 to 2014
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
NALC Local Branch 1852
Office held, if any
Vice President State of North Carolina
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Birmingham Al
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Nations Capital Southern Maryland Local140
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Philadelphia, PA Area Local #89
Office held, if any
Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / Retiree Activist Member