One thought on ““My Pledge To The Membership” by Bill Lewis

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Charlotte Area Local
    I have known Mike Gallagher, Eastern Region Coordinator since meeting him in the summer of 1989. I was impressed immediately and continue to be so. Mike had served as an NBA prior to becoming Regional Coordinator and when he assumed that position he continued the great work he had done as an NBA. I was asked by Mike to support him when he first ran for coordinator and my reasons for saying yes then are the same as they are now. If you have seen Mike’s list of locals and president’s that support him in this election, it’s clear that he has assisted locals throughout the region over the years and continues to do so. Mike was instrumental in reshaping the tri-state training held by PA, NJ and DE. I urge everyone to support Mike in this election. LeRoy Moyer, past president of PPWU.

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