By Donald L. Foley
NBA, Maintenance Craft (1995-2010) – retiredMy endorsements for election to national office:
I’ve spent considerable time thinking about the issues of this election and watching the open debates – mostly on Facebook. And I have to agree with those who complain that this election has gotten dirtier than many of our past elections. I believe it started that way, in the context of the very contentious dispute about negotiations of the National Agreement. And it was exacerbated by personal feelings that all too often hide issues of suitability for national office. And I believe some of the decisions that were made by various incumbent officers were driven by simple politics or by personal animosities, rather than quiet, rational decisions about what is best for the APWU. That is always unfortunate. But, in the end, all we can hope is that the Union stands strong in our continuing battles with management and the politicians who would deprive us of everything we have gained.
Greg Bell, without reservation, is my choice as the – by far – best candidate for the office of President of the APWU. Greg’s intelligence, integrity, experience and dedication to union principles are not just unmatched, but far exceed other candidates.Vice-President
I make no endorsement here. I believe there is good reason not to re-elect the incumbent; however, I choose not to endorse a challenger.Secretary-Treasurer
Liz Powell, by all means. There simply is no reason to replace Liz in this office, where she has served so well for so many years. It will be time for a new Secretary-Treasurer when Liz decides it is time.Industrial Relations Director
Vance Zimmerman also without any reservation whatsoever is my choice for this critical position in our headquarters office. Vance’s experience, expertise, integrity and dedication simply cannot be matched by any other candidate. He has restored credibility and vigor in the office of Industrial Relations Director and is well-deserving of re-election.Legislative / Political Director
Judy Beard has been a dedicated and devoted officer in our headquarters office ever since she moved from her staff role in the Secretary-Treasurer office. She has the experience necessary to continue to represent our interests in Washington.Research and Education Director
Dena Briscoe gets my endorsement to replace our long-standing incumbent. Let’s just say that it has been and remains time for a change in this office. The need for innovation and enhancement of the work in research and education must be pursued.Human Relations Director
Sue Carney remains the most dedicated, knowledgeable expert in the area served by this position. She should be returned to office. Sue is always available to answer questions about the very complex realm of workers’ compensation and employee disabilities, and provides that help from her wealth and depth of experience.Organization Director
Anna Smith has done what she promised to do when first elected to office. She should be re-elected.Retiree Director
Nancy Olumekor should be returned to office. The fact that Nancy chose to run for re-election on an opposition ticket is simply insufficient reason not to support her.Central Region Coordinator
Sharyn Stone has served in this office – and served well – since 2001. She has done for the NBA’s what they needed most – to let them do their jobs without interference. And she has given of her time and expertise with a dedication that we should all appreciate.While I may have some opinions about offices outside the Central Region or Headquarters or of a Craft other than Maintenance, I choose to maintain the general principle of staying within my region and Craft.
First Name: Donald
Last Name: Foley
Union/Local: APWU – St. Louis BMC Local
Office held if any: Local President, Arbitration Advocate, National Business Agent