3 thoughts on “MOU for 50-mile Excessing Limit To Expire With CBA

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Auburn WA Local
    Office held, if any
    Retired President
    The MOU Re: Layoff Protection also expires on May 20th:

    Each employee who is employed in the regular work force as of November 20, 2010, and who has not acquired the protection provided under Article 6 shall be protected henceforth against any involuntary layoff or force reduction during the term of this Agreement….Since this Memorandum of Understanding is being entered into on a nonprecedential basis, it shall terminate for all purposes at midnight, May 20, 2015, and may not be cited or used in any subsequent dispute resolution proceedings.

    The NALC does not have this MOU in their contract. The huge noncareer workforce in each craft makes it almost moot.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Atlanta Metro Area Local 32, APWU
    Office held, if any
    Maintenance Craft Steward
    Guffey and his minions explained all of this in the many townhall blitz style meetings that sold us on how great of a CBA the “Watershed” was going to be for us… maybe you weren’t listening when they mentioned the 50-mile Sunset Clause? -Of course I’m just kidding, all I saw and heard was a twisted glossed over white-washed version they were selling like Snake Oil salespeople. Too many didn’t listen to those who raised objections and far too many more didn’t READ the CBA that they were mailed before voting to ratify it. I have heard from several sources that Guffey and Morris had been negotiating the Watershed with management behind then President Burrus’ back for several months before he retired. Now you know why they changed the locks when Burrus left to lock him out and keep him away from their negotiations.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Office held, if any
    This news is salt in the wound for impacted employees who were given zero consideration in the post-plan MOU establishing the pecking order on this 6-hour jobs. Without the fundamental basic of universal service for ALL American households, the justification for a USPS monopoly is severely undermined and cripples; that is what these consolidations are all about- Privatization.

    An injury to one…

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