I am against the Postal Reform Bill as written. Where is the evidence that this is good for Postal Retirees being put in a separate pool within the FEHB? Where is the evidence that this won’t affect the Federal Workers after losing 20% of their members in the FEHB? How will this bill affect us financially? Is the U.S. Postal Service going to be in charge of our medical? So many unanswered questions. Are they going to force us into Medicare Part D? Has there been an analysis for both the postal workers and the non-postal federal members?
Another thing I want to add is a CONGRATULATIONS TO KEN THOMAS, THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (NARFE) for having our back and Congratulations on the 100th anniversary of NARFE fighting for us.
Is saving the U.S. Postal Service going to be put on the backs of Retired Postal Workers on a fixed income?
Related: NARFE: New Postal Reform Bill Threatens FEHB
First Name: Judy
Last Name: Lynn
Email: judylynnelynn@gmail.com
Union/Local: APWU San Francisco Local 2 Retiree Chapter
Office held if any: Past APWU Vice President of the San Francisco, CA Retiree Chapter