4 thoughts on “Where can I find the order for filling a Custodian position?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Tenn-Tom Area Local
    Thank you. I can usually find this, but couldn’t this time.

    Added by Site Administrator RZ

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - NY Metro Local 10
    Office held, if any
    peon shop steward
    In the current CBA Article 38 section 4.a.1.a (page 181) titled in Maintenance Craft all vacant duty assignments shall be filled as follows page 181.

    In the JCIM order for filling vacant Maintenance positions (page 274).

    If you don’t have a paper copy you can get an electronic version of it from the APWU.org website. From the home page look at the Resources tab click on it and on the new page look in the column on the left for links to Collective Bargaining agreement CBA and the Joint Contract Interpretation Manual.

    Take care n Good luck

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Tenn-Tom Area Local
    A Custodian just retired and it has just been posted to be filled. no one in Maint (custodians) wants the hours.

    There is a pecking order that I have seen before, and was wanting to find it again.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - New York Metro Local 10
    Office held, if any
    peon shop steward
    You need to be more specific is this a vacant position that other employees can bid on , or are they going to hire someone from the outside ?

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