McCaskill Seeks GAO Review of Postal Service’s Ability to Meet Delivery Standards

Senator to top federal watchdog: ‘fixing these programs starts with a firm understanding of the facts’

U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill

U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill

Press Release – Wednesday, July 1, 2015
WASHINGTON – In an effort to better understand the ability of the Postal Service to meet stated delivery times, U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill is requesting that the federal government’s top watchdog review the Postal Service’s calculation of delivery times and standards.

“As a former Missouri State Auditor, I know that solving problems has to start with a firm understanding of the facts,” said McCaskill, who was born in Rolla, Mo. and is a senior member of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “That’s why I’m asking the Government Accountability Office for this review, because we won’t be able to fix these programs unless we know the full scope of the delay issues—especially in our rural communities.”

The review is expected to be completed by August.

Senators Jon Tester of Montana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, and Tom Carper of Delaware have also signed on to the request.

McCaskill is one of the Senate’s most vocal and longstanding advocates for preserving postal service in rural America and has led the charge to preserve rural post offices, preserve postal delivery standards, and enact urgently needed reforms to the Postal Service.

Last month, the U.S. Postal Service answered McCaskill’s call for a one-year moratorium on postal closings until the impact of those closings is fully understood. As a result, closures at 68 mail processing facilities were “indefinitely” postponed—including facilities in Cape Girardeau and Springfield, Missouri.

McCaskill recently co-hosted a bipartisan roundtable on rural postal issues to raise awareness about the numerous challenges facing rural post offices and to urge action on the part of both the U.S. Postal Service and her Congressional colleagues. Earlier in the month, McCaskill participated in a roundtable on postal services in the digital age, in which she highlighted the need for the U.S. Postal Service to adapt to changes in technology in a way that takes into account smaller cities, towns and rural communities.

Visit to learn more about
McCaskill’s fight to protect rural Missouri.

One thought on “McCaskill Seeks GAO Review of Postal Service’s Ability to Meet Delivery Standards

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local 4088
    Office held, if any

    Even though a moratorium has been enacted, it seems that management in Mid America district and in the front offices of the Richard G. Wilson mail processing center in Cape Girardeau are intent on proceeding with the closure of mail processing operations in Cape Girardeau. This will not only make the current mail delay problems caused by these same managers worse, but they will also become permanent. The mail standards must be kept and for that to happen, Cape needs to get back the equipment that allows us to cancel and sort Southeast Missouri’s mail and get back the quality of service our rural customers expect and deserve.

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