3 thoughts on “Maintenance time for APPS machines

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    CFAL - APWU Local 1462 - Seminole FL P&DC

    Actually, that MMO isn’t just what I was looking for but it is a great start. I was informed by an NST to go to MTSC website and under MPE Watch select log to open one to get on a list to be contacted. I am doing this soon in-between AA calls. I’ll post again when I receive an answer.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    CFAL - APWU Local 1462 - Seminole FL P&DC

    Thanks Bob Howard:

    That was just the document that I was looking for. Appreciate your reply and attachment.

    J Sierputowski

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Dallas Local 732
    Office held, if any

    MMO-062-13 lists required maintenance windows for various pieces of Automated Equipment.

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