Los Angeles County Federation of Labor: Say NO to Staples!

Press Release – September 25, 2015
Dont Buy_StaplesQuillFor the past two years, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) has been fighting a deal between the U.S. Postal Service and Staples that established postal counters to Staples’ 1,500 locations nationwide. Instead of having trained USPS employees, the knock-off post offices are staffed with low-wage, poorly-trained Staples employees.

Since Staples managers refused to staff their postal counters with USPS employees and failed to provide APWU with information about the deal, USPS workers are suffering major cutbacks at Post Offices. Because of these cutbacks, APWU is fighting back for more hours, no job cuts, and better living wages.

In solidarity, let’s pledge to not buy at Staples until the company gets its act together!

Source: Say NO to Staples!

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