Aerial of the US Postal Annex, Fort Point Channel, and South Station railroad tracks. (David L Ryan/Globe Staff)
By Jon Chesto – May 26, 2015
A longstanding bid to move the US Postal Service sorting facility out of the way of a South Station expansion essentially remains stuck on the tracks — and may also jeopardize a second project: building a new boulevard that would let thousands of Olympics spectators walk along Fort Point Channel to the main stadium.
The Boston 2024 Partnership in January unveiled details for an Olympic boulevard along the now-closed part of Dorchester Avenue between South Station and the Broadway T station. In the group’s vision, thousands of spectators would empty out of the train station and walk along the Fort Point Channel, on their way to the main Olympic stadium to be built at Widett Circle.
Given its location behind South Station, the massive postal service property has a starring role in the Olympics dream. But that has done little to rekindle the negotiations to move the mail-sorting operation — on-again, off-again discussions spanning at least 15 years. Some say the move is crucial for this boulevard to materialize, in part because the postal service controls the stretch of Dorchester Avenue in front of its complex and doesn’t let the public through.
Read More: Long-awaited postal service move remains on hold despite Olympics push – Business – The Boston Globe