KA–POW! APWU Oakland Local Strikes Back At Abusive Supervisor

kapow_batmanNews Brief – October 20, 2014 [PDF]

The Oakland Local took the unusual step of launching an office-wide petition against Tour 1 Supervisor Preet Singh. The petition, which has more than 100 signatures, details years of a variety of unacceptable conduct. It was sent to PMG Donahoe and forwarded to the Bay-Valley District Manager, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and the OIG as well.

Employees have started petitions against abusive supervisors before, most of which gathered a dozen or so signatures and went no further than the Plant Manager. However, Supervisor Singh’s offenses have gone far beyond garden variety managerial rudeness. He has engaged in harassment, disrespectful speech, and in a safety-related matter, mishandling of a bloody parcel which should have been treated as a HAZMAT situation.

Even as the petition was circulating, Preet Singh was involved in a scuffle with an employee who did not appreciate his aggressive approach. Several witnesses said that Supervisor Singh was the instigator. Some people just don’t learn from their mistakes and how to treat people with dignity and respect.

A “zillion” complaints have been filed against Singh in the past ten years.  Many of them were settled, with the understanding that he would be given rehabilitative training to stop his abusive behavior. However, the APWU has never received any proof that Mr. Singh has received any counseling and / or training – nor has anyone noticed any improvement in his behavior.

Singh’s extensive history of misconduct and dangerous actions have not drawn the attention of two investigative reporters from a local TV station. While researching another story about the Oakland Plant, the two reporters spoke with Oakland Local officers about the petition and the lack of accountability on the part of local management that allowed such behavior to continue for a decade.

Supervisor Singh, and the managers who let him run amok for ten years may have brought shame to the USPS as it struggles to survive.

It’s time for Preet Singh to go!

via Briefs | American Postal Worker’s Union.


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