John L. Marcotte, Candidate for APWU National President says “Enough, this guy has got to go!”

“We will align retail footprint, hours, and services to meet evolving customer demands. We will continually evaluate operations at our retail facilities to ensure that services are cost-effective while also providing adequate community access.”
-Delivering for America 10 year plan

We have been down this road before. Reduced hours, Rural Carriers doing Clerk work and rural America gets second class service from a government where all are citizens are suppose to be equal. DeJoy will at a minimum lessen hours in rural America but I fear more. In his postal forum speech he said a retail center will be in “easy reach” of every community. Knowing what he did at election time, I see code speak for closing and consolidating rural post offices. Enough, this guy has got to go! #dumpdejoy

Source: John L. Marcotte, Candidate for APWU National President

One thought on “John L. Marcotte, Candidate for APWU National President says “Enough, this guy has got to go!”

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
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    With the recent announcement of Dejoy’s Sorting and Delivery Center consolidation plan, it is clear that the PMG is targeting these small offices for closure. It simply wouldn’t make sense to move the carriers out to a central location if the ultimate plan wasn’t to close many of the affected “spoke” offices.

    Since DeJoy’s appointment as PMG, the message from APWU National has always been that he “had to go!”

    I’m not sure why there’s now some ambivalence coming from the current APWU National president on this issue, but I’m glad there is a candidate running for APWU president who still recognizes who our real enemy is.

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