3 thoughts on “Holiday Worked Issue – Should employee get paid?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - OKC Area Local, Retired
    Office held, if any
    OKC Area Local VP
    Tuesday was his holiday.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU SJAL 526
    Office held, if any
    The holiday was Tuesday
    The employee was scheduled and worked then they should have gotten 8 hours of holiday pay which shows up on pay stub as leave and 8 hours of regular pay for working their actual holiday
    The requirement of last hour of day before and first hour of day after in pay status refers to employees that are off on a holiday or day designated as their holiday

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Gary, IN Local 0266
    Office held, if any
    MVS Steward
    Employees holiday was Saturday! Their days off are Sunday Monday, and Tuesday was the holiday so that makes Saturday this employees holiday. Employees have to be an PAY Status one day before or one day after the holiday. LWOP is NOT a pay status! Employee worked Friday, so they were in a pay status one day before their holiday (remember Saturday is their holiday). They should get 8 hours holiday pay, o/t for Sunday.

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