Allen Burnsworth, owner of Sit Means Sit Dog Training in Los Angeles, demonstrates how to fight off a dog attack with Flash, a trained two-year-old Belgian Malinois.
This week, the U.S. Postal Service released its rankings for dog attacks on postal workers in 2014, and Los Angeles was number one on the list. Seventy-four letter carriers in the L.A. area were attacked last year.
“Dog bites mailman” may be a cliche, but if you’ve ever been attacked by a dog, you know there’s nothing funny about it.
Horace Lewis knows about that too…
“I got chased down once by two German shepherds,” says Lewis. “[I] was delivering mail; it was a house that had a gate. You go in one way and come out another. Went through the gate, never knew they had a dog. Stuck the mail in the box. As I’m turning to leave, the dogs bust through the screen door and just pounced on me. I fell backwards over the fence. My foot got wedged in between the fence. It was one of those days.”
Read more: Helping Postal Workers Fend Off An Age-Old Problem: Dog Bites : NPR