I have been a full-time career clerk for the past 28 years, mostly working in a plant and more recently, in a large AO.
I am looking to go to a much smaller office as a Window Clerk. It’s a smaller office. Should be an easier job.
The only downfall is that it is a PTF position. However, the PTF’s in most of these offices are getting 37-45 hours per week. I talked with the Postmaster and was told, until things suddenly change, I should expect that kind of range in hours.
Here’s my questions…
1. How many hours do I need to work (the least amount) to continue earning full annual leave (5 weeks, 1 day) each year?
2. Similar to the above question, how many hours do I need to work (the least amount) to receive full benefits? I take it PTF clerks do receive benefits, yes?
3. Similar to the above questions, how many hours do I need to work (the least amount) to receive the same sick leave hourly earnings each paycheck as a full time career employee?
Other than the loss of hours, what are the major pitfalls of going from a full-time career employee to a PTF? I am near the end of my career, so if I can ride it out in a smaller office, I may be willing to take the risks.
Thanks in advance for the advice I receive here.
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APWU - Auburn WA Local
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