Fake stamp for gyrocopter pilot riles Washington

This bogus design for a United States forever stamp picturing gyrocopter pilot Doug Hughes appeared May 19 on what looked like the website for Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas.

This bogus design for a United States forever stamp picturing gyrocopter pilot Doug Hughes appeared May 19 on what looked like the website for Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas.

By Bill McAllister – May 27, 2015

When first-day cover collector Rollin Berger saw the announcement of a new United States forever stamp on what seemed like the website of a congressional committee that oversees the U.S. Postal Service, he was immediately skeptical.  “Is this legit or is someone pulling our leg?” he asked.  Sure, it was a well-designed stamp, the Clifton, Va., collector said.  It had a profile of the 61-year-old Douglas Hughes and the tiny gyrocopter he flew onto the U.S. Capitol grounds April 15.  The lettering was minimal — just like most forever stamps.  But Berger knew that the USPS was not at all likely to celebrate a Florida postal worker’s unauthorized April 15 flight into Washington’s most restricted air space.

Read more:  Fake stamp for gyrocopter pilot riles Washington – Linns.com

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