2 thoughts on “Express Mail Unit Discipline – Where can I find a copy of SOP?

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Oakland Local 78
    Office held, if any
    Shop Steward

    Thanks Katrina I will use your info on the grievance I am working on. 🙂

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Dallas Area Local 732
    Office held, if any
    Shop Steward

    If it does exist, then it is up to them to give you a copy of it in your Request for Information. Right along with these tracking reports AND training records of every express mail employee. Did they train employees with this Express Mail Compliancy Report? The burden of proof is on management when it comes to discipline cases. There is no progressive discipline if there was no training on this compliancy report with every single employee on all tours in this installation. Also, don’t forget they cannot impose work standards or practices that have not been shared with the union (local or national). See Article 34. This is simply another scare tactic by management. Good luck!

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