Four ETs recently voluntarily transferred into a small plant from four different offices which were being consolidated within 2011-2012. These four ETs brought with them many years of experience, training, and knowledge.
A Custodian/MOS Clerk qualified as an ET a few months ago and was placed in a residual vacancy on Tour-1.
Now here is the question: How is seniority determined in filling future preferred assignments, training, and choice annual leave? There is a huge disagreement as to how seniority is determined. The new ET is claiming his seniority in the Maintenance Craft (Custodial/MOS Clerk) at this installation allows him to move ahead of several other ETs in seniority at this plant. Some of the other ETs contend when he entered this occupational group (ET) he goes to the bottom in seniority. Management and the Union are checking into the situation and still haven’t determined how to assign seniority.
If anyone has any information or advice please feel free to post it here or email me.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Tri-County Ohio Area Local #7038
Office held, if any
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Grand Junction Local 600
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
NY Metro
Office held, if any
Shop Steward
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Southwest Coastal Area Local
Office held, if any
Retiree Chapter President
38.2.F. Installation Seniority. This seniority is computed from entry into the maintenance craft in the installation. It continues to accrue so long as service in the maintenance craft and installation is uninterrupted.
38.2.G. Seniority for Preferred Assignments. This seniority determines relative standing among regular work force
employees eligible to bid for preferred assignments.
1. Employees who enter into a regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level prior to June 25, 1992, shall have seniority for preferred assignments computed from entry into regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level. It continues to accrue so long as service in the same occupational group and level, and installation is uninterrupted. See section 5.A.3. of this Article for order of placement on preferred assignment registers.
2. Employees who enter into a regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level on or after June 25, 1992, shall use installation seniority for preferred assignments. See section 5.A.3. of this Article for order of placement on preferred assignments registers.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Office held, if any
Maintenance Craft Director
Article 38.2.F & G states:
F. Installation Seniority. This seniority is computed from entry into the maintenance craft in the installation. It continues to accrue so long as service in the maintenance craft and installation is uninterrupted.
G. Seniority for Preferred Assignments. This seniority determines relative standing among regular work force employees eligible to bid for preferred assignments.
1. Employees who enter into a regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level prior to June 25, 1992, shall have seniority for preferred assignments computed from entry into regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level. It continues to accrue so long as service in the same occupational group and level, and installation is uninterrupted. See section 5.A.3. of this Article for order of placement on preferred assignment registers.
2. Employees who enter into a regular work force position in a particular occupational group and level on or after June 25, 1992, shall use installation seniority for preferred assignments. See section 5.A.3. of this Article for order of placement on preferred assignments registers.
Article 38.3.E states:
2. Change from one postal installation to another; except as specified under F and I below, will require the start of a new period of seniority for preferred assignment.