Brothers and Sisters:
It has come around to that time again, elections of APWU national officers. Last election we as a body decided it was important you were aware of who we supported, since we are a group elected by the entire state of PA.
I will go into the background of our board in this notice, but important are the rules we have been working under.
Any candidate endorsed by the PPWU must be a unanimous endorsement. Some may have received majority support but in an effort to promote solidarity any 1 member can block a candidate’s endorsement. This year something I cannot remember having happened before with 2 candidates competing for the same position from 2 different locals in good standing with the PPWU and both on different teams. Therefore, I thought it would be nearly impossible to get any unanimous endorsements. However, we have quite a few which should indicate to you how good a job these individuals are doing.
The PPWU is comprised of 14 elected officers of all crafts from throughout the state of PA from 10 different locals, 5 either present or former local presidents. All very opinionated and covering all districts of the state of PA.
This is our final list. We hope you will give them the consideration they deserve when casting your ballot.
Most important, please vote! It will determine your future as a worker, particularly a postal worker.
Elizabeth “Liz” Powell – Secretary-Treasurer
Lamont Brooks – Clerk Craft Director
Lynn Pallas Barber – Assistant Clerk Craft Director [B]
Susan “Sue” Carney – Human Relations Director
Anna Smith – Organization Director
Idowu Balogun – Maintenance Craft Director
Jimmie Waldon – Assistant Maintenance Craft Director [A]
Terry Martinez – Assistant Maintenance Craft Director [B]
Kenneth “Ken” Prinz – MVS Craft National Business Agent Eastern RegionYours in solidarity.
First Name: Mike
Last Name: Stephenson
Union/Local: Pennsylvania Postal Workers Union
Office held if any: President