Enough is enough of business as usual. It’s time we begin a new direction with new ideas. We need NBAs who understand the problems we are currently facing and NBAs who are willing to acknowledge these problems and face them head on rather than pretend they don’t exist. Problems such as grievances backlogged at Step-3 and arbitration, skilled jobs being abolished and downgraded, lack of custodial Line H enforcement, and the list goes on and on! I pledge to aggressively protect Maintenance jobs, fight for full staffing, address unsafe conditions, timely hear Step -3 grievance appeals and speed up arbitrations. “JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED” Please take the time to watch the attached video message and visit my website as well!
First Name: Kyle
Last Name: Powell
Email: kylepowell4maintnba@gmail.com
Union/Local: Houston Area Local
Office held if any: Maintenance Craft Director 2010-2016