4 thoughts on “Elect Greg Bell APWU President

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Utica, NY Local
    Office held, if any

    If youā€™d like to compare contracts Iā€™ll see the 4.7% increase over Dimondsteinā€™s first contract 2016-2019 and raise you the 17.9% we enjoyed in the 2006-2009 contract when Greg Bell was at the negotiating table. We are falling behind. We need to put our money on top notch lawyers and negotiators instead of making the APWU Store wealthy by selling t-shirts.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Southwest Coastal Area Local Retiree Chapter and California State APWU
    Office held, if any
    Retiree Chapter President and California State SCF Rep.

    I look forward to this year’s union election. I think all APWU members and Retirees will like Greg Bell as our next National APWU, AFL-CIO Union President.

    I had the pleasure to work in Washington, DC with Greg and know the APWU will benefit with Greg Bell as National APWU President.

    I think our current National President has lost his way. The 2019 Tentative Agreement was not good for the membership and we may have to suffer once the interest arbitration reflects what our current president supported and rejected by the Rank and File Bargaining Committee.

    I encourage all retirees and regular union members not retired to support and vote for Greg Bell.


  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Frederick Ashley Jr
    Office held, if any
    APWU - President Utica NY Local

    I urge our members to compare the contract increases we enjoyed when Greg Bell was at negotiating on our behalf with recent contracts. Greg Bell and Bill Burrus gave us good quality contracts. Recently we have fallen behind. What will we tell our Members when they see McDonaldā€™s and Walmart workers getting 15% increases while we get 1.25%? What will we tell our Members when Health Insurance premiums double like they did this year (APWU CDHP)? What will we tell our Members when they see PSAā€™s combig back to Maintenance and MVS Crafts and 25% in Clerk Craft?

    Will we tell them ā€œLetā€™s show solidarity.ā€ It is time to decide between the divide and conquer strategy of promoting ā€œGroup and Genderā€ based Campaigning and back to basics negotiations that provided Postal Workers with contract gains we were once proud of and were never willing to apologize for.

    Solidarity to All my Union Sisters and Brothers as one group and not individual factions with its main goal of re-election.

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