Elect Charles P. Smith APWU Director of Research and Education (endorsement by 21cpw admin)

charles_2I fully support and endorse Charles P. Smith for the position of APWU Director of Research and Education.  Charles has been a dedicated leader and advocate for the APWU rank-and-file membership.  As President, he has successfully represented the Washington State Postal Workers Union membership in the grievance-arbitration process and been a voice for the rank-and-file at National and Regional Conventions.  Charles has “walked the walk” protesting and demonstrating on behalf of work floor members in the fight against postal privatization and downsizing efforts.  In 2011, I was proud to count Charles as one of the enlightened few who protested with me on the White House sidewalk, exposing the truth about the overfunding of postal pension plans and the phony financial crisis caused by the absurd prefunding mandates of the PAEA.

DangerEducatedAmong his accomplishments, Charles founded the much touted WAPWU Stewards College nine years ago and it is considered by students to be one of APWU’s best educational training opportunities.   The caliber of APWU leaders who instruct are second to none.  Skills, methods and winning strategies are taught in such a way that stewards, upon returning home, are fully confident and armed to successfully engage in battle with evil, corrupt, and incompetent postal management.

As an APWU Retiree-Activist and website administrator of the 21st Century Postal Worker, I’m involved in many projects in service to the rank-and-file membership and Charles has always assisted me in my requests for information, strategy and advice.  I can always count on Charles to research and expeditiously provide information I need.  He has also done an excellent job of making an organized wealth of information available on the WAPWU website.

It’s time to modernize our Research and Education Department.  I believe WE Can Do Better, and in fact, WE Must Do Better in the APWU Research and Education Department.  We Will Do Better with Charles P. Smith.  I’m confident Charles will never settle for mediocrity when he brings his invaluable experience, insight and acumen to the position of Director.

I strongly urge all APWU members to elect Charles P. Smith APWU Director of Research and Education.

Campaign Website: vote4charlessmith.com
Campaign Facebook: facebook.com/vote4charlessmith

First Name: Randy
Last Name: Zelznick
Email: RZelznick@www.21cpw.com
Union/Local: APWU – Philadelphia, PA Retiree Chapter
Office held if any: Retired Maintenance Craft Electronics Technician / 21CPW Site Administrator

Please, no matter who you vote for, participate in union democracy and VOTE!

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