Dust off those resumes – USPS is hiring in Arkansas

usps_logo_blue_hiring_jobs_2August 28, 2015
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (USPS) – The U.S. Postal Service is now accepting applications for a variety of temporary Post Office positions needed in Arkansas. The Postal Service plans to fill these part-time, non-career positions soon.

Salary range for these positions is from $13.25 to $16.65 per hour, with variable work hours and work days, including holidays and weekends. Start time is flexible and successful applicants must be available when called to report to work. Work hours will vary.

The positions are non-career, with limited benefits, but can lead to a rewarding career appointment with the full benefits of a federal employee. Note: Limited benefits for some temporary job Post Office positions include paid vacation days, contractual pay raises, and access to the USPS non-career Employee Health Benefits Plan.

Arkansas Post Office jobs are currently posted online at www.usps.com/employment under the “search jobs and apply online section.” Anyone wishing to apply for a specific job must do so within the posted job announcement period. The Postal Service encourages applicants to check the Postal Service’s employment web page often to keep up with any changes in various position openings. Postal Service jobs across the state are posted weekly.

Source: Dust off those resumes – USPS is hiring

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