Our Window Clerks at the East Santa Cruz, CA Office, were recently instructed by our Lead Sales Clerk that every time we walk away from the windows we must go into Standby on POS. We know this to be wrong . When we are retrieving vacation hold mail, accountable mail, noticed mail, overflow mail we would go into Non Revenue Transactions for each specific transaction. When we go to box mail or distribute mail we can go standby and clock into the proper function. The clueless Lead Clerk is now informing to management on those window clerks that do not go on standby for these Non revenue Transactions.
Our Supervisors are Letter Carrier Supervisors and have no knowledge of window transactions so they support the Lead Clerk.
I am looking for anything in writing that addresses the use of the Standby option on POS so I can print it out. Any thoughts or guessing will not work here, I need it in writing. I do not see it in Handbook PO-209. Thank You.
Read – http://saaal-apwu.org/window_clerk/windowclerknews2.html
(Excellent link on how POS transactions should be performed.)
Postal inspectors state that you should lock your drawer up when not in immediate sight which means lunches and breaks.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
Michigan Postal Workers Union
Office held, if any
Use your mobile pos when possible, swipe to another operation when possible. Log off your pos, when not in use, or be in a non – retail function if walking away to retrieve something. These are just the basics, finding best practices when away from your pos, should be the utmost importance. Try not to use handheld devices to except prepaids. We get no credit for this process.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU 486-487
Office held, if any
Clerk Craft Director
We log off for breaks or lunches. Do not leave the POS in standby mode. Make sure to get on an operation every time you walk away from your counter. I would like to see a list of the times allowed for each operation. We use “Give local directions” and “product service inquiry” the most. If you put your POS on standby, it still shows a clerk working…doing nothing. Don’t give management any more reasons to cut window service.