If Jeff Kehlert (or any candidate you are for) doesn’t win his election because you didn’t vote, you’re gonna feel like crap for a long time. With two thirds of the members not exercising their right (responsibility) to vote, hopefully you can see that you have a real voice and a real choice. Once again, I urge all of my brothers and sisters to vote. I personally chose Jeff for his knowledge in all things pertaining to the national agreement, contract language, arbitration, labor relations, etc.
But no matter who you choose, it won’t count unless you vote!
First Name: Art
Last Name: MacNeil
Email: apwuart@gmail.com
Union/Local: APWU – CMAL 4553
Office held if any: Steward, Legislative Dir, Area Rep, VP – APWU of MA, President – APWU of MA (Retired)
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
NPMHU Local 301
Don’t blame the members, blame the so-called leaders who fail to inspire them to vote. That’s the problem with the union, it is the same as our government and they have created it to protect their own self interest. The hipocracy is sickening.