6 thoughts on “City Carrier Assistant Buy Back Option

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC 231
    Office held, if any
    state district officer
    A correction to my first comment. You cannot make a deposit for non-deduction service performed after January 1, 1989.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC Branch 231
    Office held, if any
    State District Officer

    Just to make clear, the issue of making a deposit so as to add non-career time to your years of service is not a matter of contract negotiation. Congress has to amend the law as it stands now, which does not allow non-career time to be converted to career time if it was served after January 1, 1989. Most Republicans would vote against it because it would score, or add to the deficit. So if you really want to change the law and be able to make such a deposit, you have to change the make-up of Congress to make that happen. Remember the last giveback we got, sick leave counting toward retirement for FERS employees, what was the makeup of Congress? Overwhelming Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC Branch 231
    Office held, if any
    State District Officer

    We got a resolution passed at the Philadelphia convention directing the union to lobby congress to change the law. The law creating FERS does not allow employees to make a deposit for non-deduction service performed prior to January 1, 1989.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU- Auburn WA Local
    Office held, if any
    Retired President

    The purpose of a five-day break is to deny noncareer employees the right to buy-back their service time. It also creates havoc with their other benefits like OWCP workers compensation and veterans’ preference rights.

    In the 1971-1973 and 1973-1975 APWU-NALC-USPS contracts 90-day casuals were full members of the bargaining unit. No part of the national agreement excluded them. The Christmas exception period was only 21 days. We had a lot more manually processed mail, including parcels.

    The NRLCA has done better for their noncareer members. Since 1987 Rural Carrier Associates do not have a Not-To-Exceed (NTE) date on their appointments. They do not have a break in service with the many problems it creates. RCAs are paid about a dollar per hour more than a Level 6 PSE or CCA.

  5. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC Branch 1630

    Thanks for commenting. It’s not true yet. This is something that our local branch is pushing before the contract negotiations come up in May. I’m not sure if they will agree for 12 years back but we are hoping that they will agree to at least the two years that the CCA position was created. We want everyone to get involved with the process. So please inform others to get involved with this plan. Also check out the new facebook page and send others to it. We won’t know unless we try.

  6. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NALC Branch 3

    Is it true TE/CCA carriers can buy back time? I was a temp for 12 years. If so, how do I go about it? Thank you.

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