4 thoughts on “Christmas Drafting! What is happening in your processing plant??

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Wilmington DE/MTS Area Local 152
    Office held, if any

    Before I left Friday, Management gave me their proposed schedule for New Year’s Day and now I can say they totally have snapped!!! They are forcing in so many people it will be almost like a normal day! Well, back to the fight on Monday!!!!!

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    NPMHU Local 300
    Office held, if any
    Military Steward T-2

    No draft for us here at the NJI & NDC. Only volunteers.
    We made sure of that.

  3. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Cape Girardeau Area Local #4088
    Office held, if any
    Chief Steward

    Half the clerks in my facility have been drafted for Christmas Day, plus 7 PSEs scheduled. Extra transportation to A/Os is scheduled as well for the first time in the 20+ years I can remember. Might as well ruin the holiday for contractors/drivers too. Very little inbound mail is scheduled, so not sure what all these people will be doing.

  4. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    Lehigh Valley Area Local PA 0268
    Office held, if any
    Clerk Craft Director

    Not only do we have to work Christmas Day on Tour 2 and 3, we had to work Thanksgiving Day on all three tours. I’m sure New Years Day will be the same. I’m in 28 years and NEVER have we had to work those days. But the days before the holidays clerks were not forced to work if that was their designated holiday. Make sense? Don’t you want the mail delivered BEFORE Christmas? It’s management’s way to make the members mad at the Union and bust the Union up in my opinion. All members must remember, it wasn’t the Union’s idea to force you to work the holiday, blame the person who made you work, MANAGEMENT!!!!!

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