ARA Friday Alert: Alliance Releases Annual Congressional Voting Record

retiredamericans_congressional_voting_record_slide2May 29, 2015
On Tuesday, the Alliance released its annual report detailing the voting record of every U.S. Representative and Senator on issues important to current and future retirees. The voting record looks at ten key votes in both the Senate and the House and assigns a “Pro-Retiree” score for each member of Congress. Scores reflect a member’s level of support for retirees and older Americans.
This year, votes examined include whether to:

  • Privatize Medicare and create a voucher-like system in its place;
  • Turn Medicaid into a block grant system, which would undercut its ability to provide care for millions of older Americans;
  • Raise the minimum wage; and
  • Increase the debt ceiling and keep the government open.

“This Voting Record reflects how committed our elected representatives are to retirees and older Americans,” said executive director Richard Fiesta. “I urge you to use it to educate yourself on where your elected representatives stand and share it with your friends and neighbors.”

In total, 49 members of the Senate and 135 members of the House received perfect scores of 100 percent. 34 Senators and 122 House members received zeros. Of those members of the Senate who have declared their candidacy for President, Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Rand Paul (R-KY) scored zero while Bernie Sanders (I-VT) scored 100%.

Planning for a Healthy Retirement

Alliance President Barbara Easterling discussed the need for healthy retirement planning in a column celebrating Older Americans Month and National Women’s Health Week. She provided tips on how to stay active and take advantage of free preventative care options offered under the Affordable Care Act.

“My friends and I agree that being older and wiser is pretty great.” Easterling said. “Knowing how to protect our ‘health and wealth’ so that we can have both of them for many years to come makes it even better.”

CARA Senior “Flash Mob”

In recognition of Older Americans Month this May, the California Alliance for Retired Americans organized a “Respect Your Elders” flash mob to remind State legislators not to leave senior citizens behind in their policymaking. California’s ARA is lobbying for four bills before the State Legislature that would raise the minimum wage, increase Supplemental Security Income payouts for the disabled, better regulate hospital observation areas, and protect surviving heirs and spouses from foreclosure.

Medicare Turns 50: Expanding Health Security

“In 1935 the passage of the original Social Security Act opened up a new era of expanding income security for our older citizens. Now, in 1965, we are moving once again to open still another frontier: that of health security. For an older person good health is his most precious asset. Access to the best our doctors, hospitals, and other providers of health service have to offer is his most urgent need.” – President Lyndon B. Johnson April 8, 1965

Source: Friday Alert

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