USPS Plans for Reduction of AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS

From: Lamont Brooks <>
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020
To: APWU National Officers
Subject: First Notice for USPS Plan Reduction for AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS and Second Notice for AFCS Replacement

APWU President Mark Dimondstein was notified of a reduction in letter and flat mail volume via a general correspondence dated 6/17/2020, received with the CD on Friday, June 19, 2020.

It is important to note that local machine reductions had already started as early as 6/13/20 and that the APWU was only notified after the national union was receiving inquiries from the local unions around the country. It was the local union inquiries that led to the APWU contacting USPS HQ Labor Relations. The national union was notified after the implementation had already started.

Once APWU President Mark Dimondstein received the notification letter, he notified the USPS that Clerk Division Director, Lamont Brooks would be the APWU lead point of contact, working with the other craft directors to challenge the USPS plan to reduce AFCS, DBCS, AFSM and FSS machines.

The APWU Executive Board had general discussions on this matter, as an agenda item on Friday, June 26th.

I have requested a meeting with the Postal Service, alerting the Postal Service that Brother Balogun and Foster, more than likely would be in attendance, defending their specific craft.

Since the time we received the notification letter, we have been working on a strategy which we intend to share with the field in the very near future. Each Craft may have their own strategy specific to their craft.

Attention: The AFCS notification references Article 12 and RI-399.

Attention: The reduction in the AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS has NO reference to Article 12. REALLY, SEE ABOVE, CONFLICTING INFORMATION ON NOTICES.

Any information/documentation (not verbal) you are receiving locally, please forward to

Please direct all your craft specific inquires to your respective national craft director.

Don’t panic, this is just another challenge. They tested us with the Function 1 Scheduler and we prevailed. I believe we are up to the challenge, but it will take a united front from all of us.

Please share with your APWU local officers and stewards.

In union solidarity, the struggle continues.

Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division

USPS-Plan to Reduce Number of AFCS, DBCS, AFSM100 and FSS in Facilities and APWU Meeting Request

Meeting Request on F-1 Machine Reduction Anticipation

USPS Response to APWU meeting request on National Notice of MPE Reductions

AFCS Replacement Notification

Related: USPS plans nationwide reduction in Mail Processing Equipment due to mail volume decline

Also see: USPS Equipment Reduction Plan

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