APWU: Small Office Craft Complement – Level 18 Offices / PTPO and RMPO Offices (5/22/20)

On Friday, May 22, 2020, 2:43 PM, Lynn Pallas-Barber <lpallas@apwu.org> wrote:

Brothers and Sisters,

Please find attached the latest complement report for the Level 18 APOs and AOs as of 05/22/20. There is a lot of valuable information in this report with regard to the small offices. Please be sure to click on the various tabs. The report shows how many PTFs, FTRs, NTFTs, PSEs, Maint., postmasters and SCS (supervisors) are in these offices. There is information on the APOS and the RMPOs for the POStPlan offices.

This report also provides for the PTF staffing in the Level 4 RMPOs. The current number of PTFs is 364. On March 27, 2018 I sent an email with the explanation on the required staffing that has to be maintained in the Level 4 RMPOs based on the agreement that was signed by President Dimondstein on 12/31/14. Paragraph 4 of this MOU also required that the number of Level 4 RMPOs that will be maintained and staffed by career PTF employees will be greater of the number of PTF positions created in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the MOU.

So that means in March 2015, 246 Level 4 RMPOs were staffed with impacted postmasters who volunteered to become PTFs. Therefore Paragraph 3 of the MOU then provided that 318 Level 4 RMPOs became staffed with career PTF employees, which made for a total of 564. 318 is the greater number of PTF positions created and that is the number that must be maintained. As the impacted postmasters/volunteer PTFs vacate the Level 4 RMPOs they can be replaced with PSEs. The remaining RMPOs in the particular bid clusters that are staffed by PTFs must still remain. As long as the impacted postmaster/volunteer PTF remains in the Level 4 RMPO then all other Level 4 RMPOs in that bid cluster must remain staffed with a PTF. This is a reminder that any assistance in monitoring this at the local level is appreciated.

Please note that the number of Supervisors Customer Service (SCS) is continuing to grow in the Level 18 POs and APOs– current # is 174, in January 2019 the # was 154. The SCSs show-up in the tab – marked “Data”.

The report indicates that a PMR is in a Level 4 RMPO office. The RMPO is Barbeau, MI. HRSSC is correcting her history. She is a reemployed annuitant and it is a salary issue they is being corrected. She is currently not employed in Barbeau. This has still not been corrected since the last report.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Please share with your state and local leaders.

Lynn Pallas-Barber
Assistant Clerk Craft Director
1300 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

If you have trouble opening the XL file, linked above from my Google Drive account, you can download the file in a zipped format at link below. (My web hosting service does not allow me to directly upload XL Macro Workbook files to the site.) – RZ

Small Office Craft Complement – Level 18 Offices / PTPO and RMPO Offices (5/22/20) [.ZIP]

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