APWU: RMSS Implementation Case Settled for $2 Million

In resolution of this matter, the parties are in agreement that:

1) Employees entitled to remedy are those Maintenance Craft employees who had their eligible MSS (RMSS) rating changed to ineligible on or about August of 2009.  These 671 employees shall each receive a lump sum payment of $2,950 less applicable deductions.  Such payments to identified employees shall be made expediently as possible and targeted to be paid by the end of pay period 10-2015.  Payments to former employees and retirees will be processed in the same time frame to the extent possible.

2) Employees identified in item 1) will have the August 2009 ineligible rating removed from their records.  Where necessary the employees will complete any remaining steps in the MSS process e.g. the Structured Interview.  Employees that attain an eligible rating after completion of all required steps, will be placed on the appropriate PER in accordance with Article 38 and the EL-304.

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