APWU Reaches Tentative Agreement for Private-Sector Drivers

MCA-6Web News Article #: 136-2015

Director Steve Brooks, APWU Support Services

Director Steve Brooks, APWU Support Services

06/26/2015 – The APWU and the Mail Contractors of America (MCA) have reached a tentative contract agreement for private-sector drivers in terminals in Des Moines and Kansas City. Union members at those terminals will have the opportunity to vote to ratify or reject the agreement.

“The terms of the agreement will vastly improve the disciplinary process for drivers,” said Support Services Division Director Steve Brooks.

New provisions include:

  • Employees will be compensated while they wait for MCA to determine whether or not discipline will be issued following a non-preventable accident. Time limits are in place to ensure the company will expeditiously investigate the incident.
  • The grievance/arbitration process will be improved to allow for a timely resolution of disputes.
  • Drivers will be able to increase the number of holidays they can “bank.”
  • Drivers will be required to be in a pay status the day before or after the holiday to receive holiday pay – not both.
  • The rights of drivers regarding the use of on-board cameras will be improved and the methods used in issuing discipline will be clarified.
  • The timeframe in which discipline for incidents drops off an employee’s record will be expedited.
  • To entice employees to remain with the company, incentives will be implemented for retention, safety, and referrals to employment.
  • The expiring agreement contained a wage escalator provision providing for pay increases linked to wage determinations under the Service Contract Act.
  • This wage escalator provision was continued in the new agreement.
  • The company will continue its health and welfare policies, as well as insurance programs.

“This agreement could not have been reached without the efforts of the driver negotiation team,” Brooks said.“I would like to acknowledge those involved with the process. Drivers representing the Des Moines terminal were: Lee Gray, Jeff Kyle, German Guglielmi, Steve Garmont, and Stanna Balestri. Mark Hays represented the Kansas City terminal.

“Thanks to APWU Des Moines Area Local President Mike Bates for the use of their union hall and for participating in the negotiation procedure, as well.

“A special thanks to Richard Phillips for his expertise and leadership role in this process,” Brooks said. “Without his knowledge these sessions had the potential to fall apart.”

Source: APWU Reaches Tentative Agreement for Private-Sector Drivers | APWU

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