APWU Pittsburgh Retiree Record – October 1, 2020

Via John P. Richards, President – Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter of the APWU

In this issue:

  • Is Medicare and Social Security Doomed?
  • My Two Cents
  • How Secure is Our Pension?
  • Get Out The Vote

Pittsburgh Retiree Record – October 1, 2020

One thought on “APWU Pittsburgh Retiree Record – October 1, 2020

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Flint MI Area Local #271 & MI Postal Workers Union State Retiree Chapters
    Office held, if any
    Retiree Advisor
    Email Address

    Completely on the same page(s) here in Michigan! Postal workers, retirees, seniors, regardless of political stripe; Vote FOR your own best self-interests….livelihood, bread & butter, health benefits, a secure retirement, social justice for ALL, that all lives, unborn AND born, have right to life. This IS NOT your father’s GOP, hijacked by Trump and the extreme right. The faithless, exploiting religious fervor, whose only god is the golden calf of POWER and WEALTH….at our expense. It should be crystal clear that “Hatchet Man” PMG DeJoyless was specifically “selected” to deep-six the USPS, sabotage vote-by-mail to assuage POTUS’s abject fear that the mail-in ballot is a threat to his re-election, AND to preserve DeLay’s personal investment of $1.2 million, plus $1.3 mil to GOP coffers. A lot like the farce “search” for a SCOTUS nominee, then disrespecting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish; “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

    If that’s not enough reason to vote smart, head over heart, then consider voting to preserve our democracy over autocracy. And, don’t think it can’t happen here. Vote FOR the soul of our nation; “Dump Trump!” We’re all in this together. SOLIDarity Forever!

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