Via John P. Richards, President – Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter of the APWU:
The response to the report about our recent accident was overwhelming and humbling. I never anticipated that so many get well cards, telephone calls, e-mails, and drop by visits would be received. I cannot thank you enough for the kind thoughts and encouragement.
As this is written I am finishing up the in-home therapy and the visiting nurse. It is safe to say that I am progressing and getting stronger every day. I look forward to a complete recovery in the very near future. In anticipation of the recovery we have scheduled the annual Mid Summer Blast meeting and luncheon. Full particulars and the reservation form are set forth below and on the reverse.
Please take note that this years luncheon is being held on a Saturday. A number of scheduling issues precluded our usual mid-week date. We sincerely hope that his date will not deter the usual large gathering that usually attends our luncheons. We will insure that the event will be fully up to the standards that have been established over the years.