APWU: National Grievance Numbering System Activated

Web News Article #: 001-2016
01/06/2016 – The APWU has activated a national numbering system for locals using the Electronic Grievance System (EGS), Industrial Relations Director Tony D. McKinnon Sr. has announced.

The system is designed to track all grievances that are appealed to Step 2 for locals that are using EGS. “When a grievance is appealed to Step 2 by the local steward, a national number will be automatically generated for that EGS grievance form. The national number will not change the way locals conduct their grievance procedure. Locals will continue to create their own local grievance number as usual,” McKinnon said.

The national number will follow a simple pattern based on the local union’s group identification number in EGS, the year, and a six-digit number. “For example, if your local is APWU local 7070, then your national numbers would be EGS7070-15-000165,” McKinnon said.

“The new system will provide a consistent format, an easy set up for search and most importantly automatically archive the file,” he added. “As a result, the national union will be able to develop a clearer picture of what is happening in the field, gain insight into issues that may be happening in more than one location, while giving us the tools to assist us in resolving these issues as they arise.

“We thank the locals for your continued support in making EGS more user-friendly. Our goal is to further automate the grievance procedure and provide better service for our members. I must thank Assistant Maintenance Craft Director Idowu Balogun for all the assistance he has given to make this a success and the EGS Committee for the guidance they have provided,” McKinnon said.

Source: National Grievance Numbering System Activated | APWU

One thought on “APWU: National Grievance Numbering System Activated

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Auburn WA Local
    Office held, if any
    Retired President

    I applaud Tony McKinnon for making this needed change. For too long the national APWU has operated in the dark regarding issues in the field. It has been hit-or-miss. Now, the APWU will have an early warning system of specific problem areas and can jump on them quickly. The way locals and management settle disputes around the country can be illuminating, even if they are not precedent setting.

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