09/17/2018 – Privatizers – those who want to sell the public postal service to private corporations – are hard at work. Together we can stop them in their tracks.
Get ready to hit the streets with our sister postal unions, family, friends, and community allies to Save Our Service. Rallies will take place at many Congressional offices throughout the country. Check with your local and state leaders for more details and for the exact time and location in your area.
Rally Flyer for October 8th
Source: APWU
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Lehigh Valley Area Local
Office held, if any
I have two serious questions that I am hoping people can answer for me. This is for my own personal understanding and framing of this issue. My question, to the locals, and retirees, out there are:
1. Does your local Constitution recognize Retiree Dept. Members ($36) as eligible to run for and hold local office or be a delegate at conferences & conventions?
2. At your membership meetings, do Retiree Dept. Members ($36) have full voice and vote on motions, amendments, and other local business?
Thanks, in advance, for responses.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Auburn WA Local
Office held, if any
Retired President
Why are the rallies held on a day when post offices and congressional offices are CLOSED?
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
I consider the “back of the bus” rationalization in a different context. Is this a Rosa Parks moment? There are some issues in this moment that do parallel that moment. Sister Parks, who, by the way, WAS in the back of the bus in the “colored” section, when she was ordered to relinquish the seat to a white man because all the other “white” seats were taken, and she refused. Why? Because she believed she had a right to sit where she was. In the current case, I refuse to sit (or stand) at the “back of the bus”, because I have earned the right to sit wherever I want in the front. I earned that right because of continual postal Union membership since 1958 in leadership roles including landmark events such as a Pittsburgh leadership role in the 1970 strike, creating the Local President’s Conference in Pittsburgh in 1975, (where national officers were prohibited from participating or attending meetings), creating the automatic dues structure that adjusts dues based on CBA increases, and founding the Pittsburgh Area Postal Workers Retiree Chapter. Having established that record, and more, including serving as the APWU Director Of Industrial Relations, I think it is appropriate taking a position based on principle despite whatever conflict or struggle that may engender with a majority that disagrees. Other retirees have also established long records of service.
Having said the above, as retirees, we have earned the right to find open arms rather than barriers, as we continue to serve the Union we created. Whatever it takes to pry those arms open may create momentary differences until cooler, wiser heads prevail. So be it.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Michigan State Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
After a lot of pondering and reconsideration, I will be in front of my local Post Office on October 8.
I have written before about how we are all in this together, those still working and retirees. Even though many delegates at the Pittsburgh Convention delivered a slap in the face to retirees, I’m still belong to the APWU although it may be as a back of the bus member.
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Michigan State Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
John makes a good case, especially with retirees being given short shrift from National to Local
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter
Office held, if any
I am not convinced that the Day Of Action Rally is a retiree issue per the recent Convention attitude re: retirees.